ChristieCreations has been asked numerous times why we "name" each Blooming Bouquet. Unlike similar products each of our Blooming Bouquets are designed to be one of a kind. Each gift is made with as much love and care as if we were giving it to our own friends or family members. The items inside the Blooming Bouquet are carefully selected to coordinate with each other and provide a colorful "blooming" arrangement.
Baby Blooming Bouquets are each born with a name. There are three main sections of Baby Blooming Bouquets:
Baby BOY
Gender NEUTRAL Baby
Within those sections there are speciality Baby Blooming Bouquets including:
Cloth Diaper Baby
Organic Baby
Preemie Baby
Since our bouquets are designed with a myriad of colors, providing a gender specific name for each bouquet allows a customer to quickly distinguish which bouquets are more appropriate for a baby girl, baby boy, or a baby surprise!
Baby Bouquets are regularly named after our past clients precious babies! If you are purchasing a bouquet as a baby shower gift/centerpiece or as a gift to bring to the hospital, please drop us a line and let us know what special name the parents have chosen. We will feature an upcoming bouquet in their honor!
Every baby in the world is born with his or her own special personality and our bouquets are just the same.
Names are used once and then retired.
ChristieCreations realizes that baby names are very important to the parents to be. Baby name preferences vary greatly. Therefore the gift bouquet's baby name is not shared on the custom photo gift card. The only place where the bouquet's name is listed is on the website.
Kitchen and Spa Pampering Blooming Bouquets are named using cute and corny phrases! Just another way to add a little pizazz to our product and give the buyer an idea of the theme of the bouquet items!
A few of our favorites include:
Open up and Say Spaaaah
You had me at Merlot
Espresso Yourself
Something Fishy
I Never Promised You a Rose Garden
Have an idea for a cute name? Let's hear it!
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